Welcome Guys


Written By nyit on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 | 7:25 PM

Proses untuk mengembalikan event WRC di Indonesia sudah mulai berjalan melalui pertemuan awal antara Bpk. James Tangkudung (Asisten Deputi Pembinaan Prestasi Olahraga) yang mewakili Menegpora RI dengan Mr. Morrie Chandler (President FIA WRC) pada tgl. 11 Juni 2007 di Singapore dengan didampingi oleh Bpk. Irawan Suchayono (Sekjen PP. IMI) ; Bpk. Harris Gondokusumo (Biro Olahraga PP. IMI) & Jeffrey JP (Rally Indonesia Organiser), dimana juga sekaligus Mr. Morrie Chandler menyampaikan undangan kepada Menegpora RI untuk menghadiri penyelenggaraan Rally New Zealand 2007 (WRC round 11) agar dapat diberikan masukan mengenai cara pelaksanaan suatu WRC dengan dampak/multiplier efek terhadap segi ekonomi dan pariwisata dari Negara itu.
Pada pertemuan tersebut President FIA WRC menyampaikan tahapan2 yang harus dilakukan oleh Indonesia adalah :
a. Penyampaian aplikasi sebagai kandidat WRC ditahun 2008 dengan progress WRC di tahun 2009, dimana aplikasi tersebut harus disampaikan oleh PP. IMI dengan mencantumkan jadwal ; lokasi serta penyelenggara dari event (kandidat WRC & WRC) dan kemudian FIA akan memberikan persetujuan sebagai Kandidat WRC yang akan diputuskan oleh World Council and General Assembly of FIA pada rapat akhir tahun.
Dimana pihak PP. IMI bersama-sama Rally Organiser harus aktif untuk menjadi anggota (representatif) dan hadir pada setiap annual meeting dari Working Group ; World Motor Sport Council dan General Assembly dari FIA
b. Melakukan pembayaran Inscription Fee (registered in the FIA calendar) untuk sebesar EURO 103.200 paling lambat tgl. 31 Januari 2008, dimana biaya akan dipergunakan untuk keperluan dari FIA Delegate saat peninjauan event kandidat WRC dan dapat diperpanjang pada tahun berikutnya bila belum memenuhi ketentuan WRC tanpa perlu melakukan pembayaran lagi. Inscription Fee ini diperlukan oleh FIA sebagai jaminan atas keseriusan suatu negara sebagai penyelenggara kandidat WRC, adapun Inscription Fee untuk menjadi WRC adalah sebesar EURO 155.050
c. Apabila Indonesia telah disetujui menjadi salah satu kandidat WRC dari kawasan Asia pada tahun 2008, maka secara terkait akan juga dialokasikan pada jadwal WRC di tahun 2009 dengan ketentuan subject to inspection on year 2008.
(Terlampir jadwal tahun 2008 & tahun 2009)

Laporan hasil kunjungan dan proses persiapan selanjutnya dalam bentuk proposal rencana kerja & anggaran biaya tahun 2008 s/d tahun 2010 telah disampaikan kepada Pemerintah melalui Menteri Pemuda & Olahraga RI dan Ikatan Motor Indonesia (PP. IMI) serta juga organisasi yang baru terbentuk yaitu Indonesia World Motorsport (IWM).

Tahapan berikutnya adalah melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Rally New Zealand 2007 pada tgl. 30 Agustus s/d 2 September mendatang sesuai undangan dari Mr. Morrie Chandler (President FIA WRC), dimana Menegpora telah menunjuk Bpk. James Bpk. James Tangkudung (Asisten Deputi Pembinaan Prestasi Olahraga) untuk mewakili guna melakukan pembahasan lebih lanjut untuk persiapan & koordinasi langkah berikutnya serta melakukan study banding sebagai persiapan dari rencana penyelenggaraan kembali WRC di Indonesia.
Rombongan yang akan berangkat mendampingi Deputy Menegpora adalah Bpk. Harris Gondokusumo (Ka. Biro Dept. Olahraga PP. IMI) dan Jeffrey JP (Rally Indonesia Organiser)

Persyaratan serta kondisi yang terjadi pada penyelenggaraan WRC adalah :
1. Negara yang menjadi kandidat WRC harus terlebih dahulu melaksanakan event yang berstatus FIA Regional Championship (di Indonesia adalah FIA APRC)
2. Jumlah negara penyelenggara untuk WRC mulai tahun 2009 akan menjadi sebanyak 12 putaran, dimana 6 negara sebagai penyelenggara tetap dan 6 negara akan dirotasi secara bergantian

Informasi selanjutnya selama kunjungan kerja delegasi WRC Indonesia dan partisipasi Indonesia Rally Team – Subhan Aksa/Hade Mboi akan kami sampaikan secara bertahap sampai dengan akhir penyelenggaraan Rally New Zealand 2007 (WRC round 11)

Kami sangat menghargai atas dukungan dari rekan-rekan media melalui peliputan yang diberikan dan hal tersebut sangatlah penting untuk dapat membantu sosialisasi proses pencapaian penyelenggaraan event WRC di Indonesia, dimana segala kritikan dan saran juga sangat kami butuhkan guna percepatan proses serta demi kemajuan Olahraga Otomotif cabang Rally di Indonesia.
Akhir kata apabila terjadi kekurangan dan kesalahan baik yang disengaja maupun tidak disengaja, sebelumnya kami memohon maaf serta kami sangat mengharapkan untuk dapat bekerjasama lebih erat lagi untuk bersama-sama memberikan kontribusi kepada Negara tercinta Indonesia melalui event-event Internasional (APRC & WRC) yang akan datang. Terima kasih atas perhatian serta liputannya dan sampai jumpa di GUDANG GARAM INTERNATIONAL RALLY INDONESIA 2007 putaran 3 di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan pada tgl. 7 s/d 9 September mendatang.
7:25 PM | 0 comments | Read More


Proses untuk mengembalikan event WRC di Indonesia sudah mulai berjalan melalui pertemuan awal antara Bpk. James Tangkudung (Asisten Deputi Pembinaan Prestasi Olahraga) yang mewakili Menegpora RI dengan Mr. Morrie Chandler (President FIA WRC) pada tgl. 11 Juni 2007 di Singapore dengan didampingi oleh Bpk. Irawan Suchayono (Sekjen PP. IMI) ; Bpk. Harris Gondokusumo (Biro Olahraga PP. IMI) & Jeffrey JP (Rally Indonesia Organiser), dimana juga sekaligus Mr. Morrie Chandler menyampaikan undangan kepada Menegpora RI untuk menghadiri penyelenggaraan Rally New Zealand 2007 (WRC round 11) agar dapat diberikan masukan mengenai cara pelaksanaan suatu WRC dengan dampak/multiplier efek terhadap segi ekonomi dan pariwisata dari Negara itu.
Pada pertemuan tersebut President FIA WRC menyampaikan tahapan2 yang harus dilakukan oleh Indonesia adalah :
a. Penyampaian aplikasi sebagai kandidat WRC ditahun 2008 dengan progress WRC di tahun 2009, dimana aplikasi tersebut harus disampaikan oleh PP. IMI dengan mencantumkan jadwal ; lokasi serta penyelenggara dari event (kandidat WRC & WRC) dan kemudian FIA akan memberikan persetujuan sebagai Kandidat WRC yang akan diputuskan oleh World Council and General Assembly of FIA pada rapat akhir tahun.
Dimana pihak PP. IMI bersama-sama Rally Organiser harus aktif untuk menjadi anggota (representatif) dan hadir pada setiap annual meeting dari Working Group ; World Motor Sport Council dan General Assembly dari FIA
b. Melakukan pembayaran Inscription Fee (registered in the FIA calendar) untuk sebesar EURO 103.200 paling lambat tgl. 31 Januari 2008, dimana biaya akan dipergunakan untuk keperluan dari FIA Delegate saat peninjauan event kandidat WRC dan dapat diperpanjang pada tahun berikutnya bila belum memenuhi ketentuan WRC tanpa perlu melakukan pembayaran lagi. Inscription Fee ini diperlukan oleh FIA sebagai jaminan atas keseriusan suatu negara sebagai penyelenggara kandidat WRC, adapun Inscription Fee untuk menjadi WRC adalah sebesar EURO 155.050
c. Apabila Indonesia telah disetujui menjadi salah satu kandidat WRC dari kawasan Asia pada tahun 2008, maka secara terkait akan juga dialokasikan pada jadwal WRC di tahun 2009 dengan ketentuan subject to inspection on year 2008.
(Terlampir jadwal tahun 2008 & tahun 2009)

Laporan hasil kunjungan dan proses persiapan selanjutnya dalam bentuk proposal rencana kerja & anggaran biaya tahun 2008 s/d tahun 2010 telah disampaikan kepada Pemerintah melalui Menteri Pemuda & Olahraga RI dan Ikatan Motor Indonesia (PP. IMI) serta juga organisasi yang baru terbentuk yaitu Indonesia World Motorsport (IWM).

Tahapan berikutnya adalah melakukan kunjungan kerja ke Rally New Zealand 2007 pada tgl. 30 Agustus s/d 2 September mendatang sesuai undangan dari Mr. Morrie Chandler (President FIA WRC), dimana Menegpora telah menunjuk Bpk. James Bpk. James Tangkudung (Asisten Deputi Pembinaan Prestasi Olahraga) untuk mewakili guna melakukan pembahasan lebih lanjut untuk persiapan & koordinasi langkah berikutnya serta melakukan study banding sebagai persiapan dari rencana penyelenggaraan kembali WRC di Indonesia.
Rombongan yang akan berangkat mendampingi Deputy Menegpora adalah Bpk. Harris Gondokusumo (Ka. Biro Dept. Olahraga PP. IMI) dan Jeffrey JP (Rally Indonesia Organiser)

Persyaratan serta kondisi yang terjadi pada penyelenggaraan WRC adalah :
1. Negara yang menjadi kandidat WRC harus terlebih dahulu melaksanakan event yang berstatus FIA Regional Championship (di Indonesia adalah FIA APRC)
2. Jumlah negara penyelenggara untuk WRC mulai tahun 2009 akan menjadi sebanyak 12 putaran, dimana 6 negara sebagai penyelenggara tetap dan 6 negara akan dirotasi secara bergantian

Informasi selanjutnya selama kunjungan kerja delegasi WRC Indonesia dan partisipasi Indonesia Rally Team – Subhan Aksa/Hade Mboi akan kami sampaikan secara bertahap sampai dengan akhir penyelenggaraan Rally New Zealand 2007 (WRC round 11)

Kami sangat menghargai atas dukungan dari rekan-rekan media melalui peliputan yang diberikan dan hal tersebut sangatlah penting untuk dapat membantu sosialisasi proses pencapaian penyelenggaraan event WRC di Indonesia, dimana segala kritikan dan saran juga sangat kami butuhkan guna percepatan proses serta demi kemajuan Olahraga Otomotif cabang Rally di Indonesia.
Akhir kata apabila terjadi kekurangan dan kesalahan baik yang disengaja maupun tidak disengaja, sebelumnya kami memohon maaf serta kami sangat mengharapkan untuk dapat bekerjasama lebih erat lagi untuk bersama-sama memberikan kontribusi kepada Negara tercinta Indonesia melalui event-event Internasional (APRC & WRC) yang akan datang. Terima kasih atas perhatian serta liputannya dan sampai jumpa di GUDANG GARAM INTERNATIONAL RALLY INDONESIA 2007 putaran 3 di Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan pada tgl. 7 s/d 9 September mendatang.
7:25 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Mechanic - Ball Joint Replacement

It started as a clicking noise as you backed out of the drive. Just a mild tap through the steering wheel. Sometimes it's not even there. But as the mileage builds over the next few weeks, the click gets bigger. Then it starts to morph into a thump as you go over potholes. A thump that turns into a shimmy. You jack up the front end and shake the wheels side to side--no problem. You shake them up and down. Big problem. There's a half-inch of slop on one wheel, though the other is tight. The diagnosis: You've got a bad ball joint.


Front suspension parts eventually wear out, but this sudden onset of slop in your ball joint probably means a lubrication failure. But wait! you say. My ball joints are sealed--there's no grease fitting to pump fresh lubricant into. They're Lubed For Life, like it says right here in the owner's manual.


You've just discovered the true life span of a permanently lubed suspension joint. The lubrication finally dries out, water intrudes inside the boot covering the moving parts, and rust and abrasive road dirt turn a ball joint or tie rod end into a loosey-goosey accident waiting to happen. Do not delay in repairing a failing ball joint or tie rod end. When it fails, the wheel involved will try to part company with your vehicle, and not quite succeed in doing so. This will precipitate two unfortunate events: loss of control at some speed, and considerable damage to the rest of the vehicle.

7:13 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Mechanic - Ball Joint Replacement

It started as a clicking noise as you backed out of the drive. Just a mild tap through the steering wheel. Sometimes it's not even there. But as the mileage builds over the next few weeks, the click gets bigger. Then it starts to morph into a thump as you go over potholes. A thump that turns into a shimmy. You jack up the front end and shake the wheels side to side--no problem. You shake them up and down. Big problem. There's a half-inch of slop on one wheel, though the other is tight. The diagnosis: You've got a bad ball joint.


Front suspension parts eventually wear out, but this sudden onset of slop in your ball joint probably means a lubrication failure. But wait! you say. My ball joints are sealed--there's no grease fitting to pump fresh lubricant into. They're Lubed For Life, like it says right here in the owner's manual.


You've just discovered the true life span of a permanently lubed suspension joint. The lubrication finally dries out, water intrudes inside the boot covering the moving parts, and rust and abrasive road dirt turn a ball joint or tie rod end into a loosey-goosey accident waiting to happen. Do not delay in repairing a failing ball joint or tie rod end. When it fails, the wheel involved will try to part company with your vehicle, and not quite succeed in doing so. This will precipitate two unfortunate events: loss of control at some speed, and considerable damage to the rest of the vehicle.

7:13 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Ball joint

Description: A ball joint consists of a hardened-steel, bearing stud and socket enclosed in a steel housing. The bearing stud is tapered and threaded and fits into a tapered hole in the steering knuckle. A protective boot prevents dirt from entering the joint assembly. Ball joints are used on the front end of virtually every car and light truck. Vehicles with conventional suspension systems use two ball joints per wheel: an upper and a lower ball joint. Cars with MacPherson strut suspension systems use a lower ball joint and an upper strut bearing rather than an upper ball joint.

Purpose: Ball joints serve as the pivot points between the tires and suspension. Ball joints also support weight. On some vehicles, the ball joints may be used to make wheel alignment settings.

Maintenance Tips/Suggestions: Many cars use “lubed for life” ball joints that can’t be lubricated. Replacement ball joints often come with lubrication fittings. If your car has lubrication fittings, the ball joints should be lubricated at every oil change. Ball joints, along with other suspension components, should be inspected annually along with a complete wheel alignment. The most common vehicle symptoms associated with worn ball joints are wandering, uneven tire wear, and erratic steering. Ball joint inspection methods and specifications vary, so have your vehicle inspected by a qualified service professional.

source : carcare.org

7:02 PM | 0 comments | Read More


Description: A ball joint consists of a hardened-steel, bearing stud and socket enclosed in a steel housing. The bearing stud is tapered and threaded and fits into a tapered hole in the steering knuckle. A protective boot prevents dirt from entering the joint assembly. Ball joints are used on the front end of virtually every car and light truck. Vehicles with conventional suspension systems use two ball joints per wheel: an upper and a lower ball joint. Cars with MacPherson strut suspension systems use a lower ball joint and an upper strut bearing rather than an upper ball joint.

Purpose: Ball joints serve as the pivot points between the tires and suspension. Ball joints also support weight. On some vehicles, the ball joints may be used to make wheel alignment settings.

Maintenance Tips/Suggestions: Many cars use “lubed for life” ball joints that can’t be lubricated. Replacement ball joints often come with lubrication fittings. If your car has lubrication fittings, the ball joints should be lubricated at every oil change. Ball joints, along with other suspension components, should be inspected annually along with a complete wheel alignment. The most common vehicle symptoms associated with worn ball joints are wandering, uneven tire wear, and erratic steering. Ball joint inspection methods and specifications vary, so have your vehicle inspected by a qualified service professional.

source : carcare.org

7:02 PM | 0 comments | Read More


KONI Sport and FSD (Frequency Selective Damping)

During a typical mile of travel down the road, the damper will move in (compression) and out (rebound) millions of times. Break that mile into one second of travel, and the number of times the damper moves (stroke) defines the operating frequency (Hertz, Hz). Controlling body roll entering a corner induces relatively few strokes of the damper (low frequency), while chattering over broken pavement at highway speed results in a much higher quantity (high frequency) of very short strokes. Knowing this, damper frequency can also be used to tune handling and ride quality. Vehicle body roll control needed to aid handling occurs at a frequency of around 1Hz. Ride impact harshness is felt when damper frequency reaches approximately 10Hz.

Hit a bump without dampers, and the suspension would continue to bounce up and down uncontrollably like a bobble head doll. The damper's job is to reduce the size and/or speed of the suspension movement, preventing the never-ending bobble head scenario. We've all seen that older car going down a smooth highway with one of the rear tires visibly vibrating up and down very rapidly, which is caused by a worn-out damper that is no longer controlling the movement of the suspension. The lack of damper control allows the suspension to move uncontrolled.

The piston moving back and forth through the oil inside the damper creates the resistance needed to control (dampen) the suspension movement. How much resistance (force) develops for a given movement is determined by internal valves that control the flow of oil. Based on the force, the valves open or close to self adjust to each bump or any vehicle body roll. All dampers do this; but KONI's FSD units add a second valve system that responds to the damper's operating frequency, allowing ride and handling to be tuned more independently than with conventional dampers.

KONI's design theory for tuning dampers uses the compression (in) force to dictate the amount of axle movement and is directly linked to handling like steering response, road holding, etc. The rebound (out) force is used to control body movements (side-to-side body roll and/or pitch fore and aft) and is also directly linked to ride comfort.

KONI's traditional user-adjustable yellow sport dampers most applications have a fixed setting for the compression rate, but allow the user to manually adjust the amount of rebound control to tune the balance between ride comfort and handling. The FSD dampers also have a fixed compression setting, but instead of allowing the user to manually adjust the rebound, the internals of the FSD dampers automatically adjust the rate and shape of the force curve (when plotted on a graph) on the fly, responding immediately to the frequency of the damper’s movement. The unique secondary valve used inside the FSD units is engineered to provide large amounts of force to control vehicle body movement at relatively low frequencies, while generating less force at the higher frequencies that affect ride quality.

6:52 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Automotive Dynamometer Systems(dynamo meter/rolling soad) information

Written By nyit on Friday, November 16, 2007 | 9:39 AM

Once you have built your new motor, or fitted any tuning parts you will NEED to visit a good automotive Dynamometer or rolling road. If you don't you will never be able to set up your engine properly. A good dynamometer allows you to use a gas analyser while under load so you can see the real air fuel mixture at all RPM's while driving.

Car chassis Dynamometer

Rather than discuss the subject on this site it is better if you go to my Automotive Dynamometer pages, as I used to build them! (Below)

Click to see a richer run as well as these two

9:39 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Chip tuning, or chipping your car...

Non Turbo Cars

Heard a boy racer telling his mate the other day "just fitted a chip to my xxxxx car (non turbo) yesterday, and its loads faster!". Well that is just NOT possible.

I asked him how and he didn't know, but said it was about 20mph faster flat out! Now since it takes 4x the power to go twice as fast, that equates to a simply huge power increase! So he was obviously lying...

First of all, a noticeable increase in power is simply not possible with a naturally aspirated car (no turbo) by fitting a "chip" or having it "chipped". As we said in the first few pages engines breath air. If you do not increase this flow somehow it cannot make more power than it already is doing! That chip simply tells the fuel system how much is the CORRECT amount of fuel to add! The manufacturers stock settings are usually optimum for peak power. It also controls the Ignition timing, but again the stock settings will be about perfect for full power. It is only possible to get tiny gains in "drivability" rather than more real power.

t is possible to gain a few percent here and there at different rpm's and throttle plate positions, because the manufacturers tailor the fuel map to give optimum economy, smoothness and low emissions. But these gains are pretty small. They "may" result in better drivability, but definitely not enough extra power to notice!

Turbo Cars

It is possible however to chip a turbo car for more power in many cases. The max boost level is often controlled by the engine management system. So in this case reprogramming, or rather remapping the ECU or chip can bring power increases. Be careful though because the manufacturers set these things as they are often for good reasons - usually reliability!

By allowing the turbo to make higher boost the engine gets more air and therefore can make more power, often considerably more.

9:38 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Conventional Engine tuning methods

By "conventional engine tuning" we mean internal engine work. Not Turbocharging, Supercharging, Nitrous Oxide Injection, etc. No "bolt on power" modifications. but tuning the internals to give better airflow.

Getting more power from a standard car engine by conventional tuning means is at best difficult. (we will ignore standard turbocharged cars for the moment). The only way is to increase the airflow drawn through the engine. There are lots of ways to do this and it all involves a lot of work and money! For example:

  • Bigger side draft carbs or throttle bodies

  • Bigger engine bores / pistons (machined to increase capacity)

  • Bigger engine stroke (offset ground machined crankpins and shorter connecting rods)

  • better tubular exhaust manifolds and system

  • better port shape in the head (ported head)

  • Bigger inlet and exhaust valves fitted with specially shaped valve seats

  • Higher compression ratio

  • longer duration and higher lift camshaft

  • forged pistons (for strength)

  • stronger connecting rods to cope with higher RPM's

  • uprated oil pump/system to help engine reliability at higher RPM's

  • Crank / Connecting rod lightening, balancing, strengthening etc to cope with higher RPM's than standard engine

Depending on what you are trying to achieve you may need to do all of the above or just some! A fully tuned and "built" race engine is seriously expensive, loud, and unsuitable for road car use. It has bad driving characteristics, uneven idle, little low rpm power etc. And it is usually short lived as it has to be revved hard to get to any useful power. Obviously then it is best to start with the biggest engine variant of your model of car to begin with! This way you may not need to tune it at all to get the same power! If you do tune it it will not need as extensive modification to achieve the desired power so will be more user friendly.

Conventional tuning has low limits on how much power you can expect too. Its easy to get a few horsepower more, but very difficult to get any big power increases. And the cost of power goes up and up as more power is wanted...

Unless you have a good reason to use "conventional tuning" rather than fitting a bigger engine, or a turbocharger or Nitrous injection then these are probably better options for road use.

9:34 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Fuels, and fuel additives

There are hundreds of different fuel additives with all kinds of different claims! We are only really interested in the ones that CAN work to help power.

First we need to understand the differences between the two common road fuels we all use, and a few "race" fuels.

1st we have all those "additives" that claim to improve power, and torque, improve "smoothness" emissions, and mileage! Sometimes by 25 percent! But they cannot, or will not tell you how! Well get real! They are a CON!

2nd we have "octane boosters" SOME of these work well. Look for tests and recommendations, or just use proper high octane fuels in the first place!

3rd we have "upper cylinder lubricants" such as Redex etc. Well in a road car they may not hurt. In a highly stressed race engine running on the borderline of detonation, it might just be enough to kill it! You see oils radically lower the total cylinders Octane So be careful!

4th Methanol. This can if added in small amounts increase octane. But it may make the total fuel mixture weaker so again be careful!

Then there are the lead replacement additives. These may or may not work, some definitely don't. They are designed to replace the lead that some engines like to stop valve/head seating problems in pre unleaded fuel days! Don't confuse lead and Octane. Lead is for lubrication. Octane is a measure of the fuels ant knock properties. Although lead happens to increase octane a little too!

A little known fact...

In the UK leaded pump fuel if you can get it when mixed with super unleaded gives a higher octane than either alone! Because both use different additives to increase octane that work less effectively the higher the concentration

9:32 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Lightening engine parts

If you want more acceleration, especially in lower gears, lightening crankshafts and flywheels is a good idea.

It may also result in a slightly lumpier idle, but will give faster throttle response when you blip the pedal! Much like a motorcycle, because they have no flywheels.

The gains are quite small and expensive but like all engine tuning you have to decide what you are trying to achieve. And everything should be a good balance of modifications that matches.

A lightened Suzuki 1300 GSXR Crankshaft and it has no flywheel at all! >>>

9:28 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Cams, or camshaft, and effect on performance

Wild or "race" cams are just not suitable for a road car. They do not allow you to drive smoothly in say 4th gear in town because they make your engine run "lumpy" at low revs! And you will have an uneven idle like a bike engine.

They "CAN" give some performance benefit at higher revs though, but only if the rest of your engine and induction system and exhaust are also modified to take advantage! If not, the extra valve o "overlap" makes them sensitive to exhaust back pressure and your car may well be slower! Valve overlap happens when your engines inlet valve opens whilst the exhaust valve is still open. This aids airflow at high engine rpms.

On the other hand, if you have just spent a fortune building a "big valve" race engine with lightened and balanced internals etc it would be stupid to fit a standard camshaft, as most of your hard work would be wasted! Like everything in life it has to be a balance. So its best to know what you are looking for and plan for that! Its no use just putting a few go faster bits on your car and hoping! That does not just apply to camshafts but to the complete engine. All the bits need to be matched and work together! You must have a plan before you start.

Cams types can be described (very general guide) :

a) Stock - smooth, long lasting, good emissions, good economy, good low down power for smooth easy driving in traffic. The main manufacturers are not stupid! Think carefully before you decide on a "race" cam. Power falls away at higher RPM's.

b) Towing, mild, or whatever - these will give good economy and will work much like the manufacturers stock cams. Standard lift and duration Usually expected top give more torque than stock ones at low RPMs Smooth tick over.

c) Fast road camshaft - Usually works OK with stock head/valves and a good free flow exhaust system, and bigger better multi carbs. These will give a higher RPM peak power than stock and usually at the expense of some low down power. Remember that low down power is where you spend the most time in a road car. Usually a touch more lift and duration (about 260 / 270 degrees) Slightly lumpy idle in some cases. Gas flowed head and bigger valves helps if you can afford to do it, but generally not essential.

d) Sport Cam / Very fast road - Not a sensible choice for road use, unless the car is also a race car and you can suffer a bit! Very lumpy idle on some engines, not smooth or powerful at lower 25 percent of RPM range. Peak power typically 1000 RPM higher than stock camshaft, big valves, ported head, free flow exhaust, multi carb or big throttle body, needed really to take advantage. Probably 20 percent more peak power than stock cam would give if the engine is as described. Lots of overlap, so high emissions likely. free flowing exhaust essential. 280 to 290 degrees, usually more than stock lift.

c) Race... Speaks for itself. in a road car far too much! To work, you need to have a totally "built" motor, with strong bits to stand much higher RPM than stock. And good head, big valves, open big bore exhaust (loud) and good free flowing induction system. High compression ratio needed as there is less time to "trap" the gasses. Much power! At high rpm only. Think "Bike engine"!

d) Turbo or Nitrous Cams - These have stock (ish) intake timing, but less overlap, and high lift long duration exhaust timing, to get rid of all the extra gasses.

There are LOTS of aftermarket Camshaft manufacturers to choose from. Companies such as:

Kent, Piper, Crower, Holbay, MTS, ISKY, MAHLE, Comp Cams, Crane, Edelbrock, Erson, H.O., Indian Adventures, Iskandarian, Lunati, Speed-Pro, Summit, Ultradyne, Systrand , Schrick Camshafts, Wolverine, Lazer Cams to name just a few!

9:26 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Tuning and LPG or Propane alternative fuel vehicles

The short answer here is that LPG or Propane fuel has a higher detonation limit so makes a better fuel for tuning than pump petroleum does.

It allows either more turbo boost, or higher compression ratios, or more nitrous to be used before detonation of fuel stops play!

In short, if you want power its a great idea!

copyright : tuning.wanadoo.co.uk

9:23 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Superchargers and Supercharging your car...

Supercharging your car makes more power by forcing more air into your engine just like an Exhaust driven Turbocharger does.

This allows you to burn more fuel.

The difference is that the compressor is driven directly by the engine rather than the exhaust gasses. The one shown is a VW VR6 Motor with an aftermarket low boost "supercharger" fitted.

In this case it is actually a centrifugal compressor just like a Turbocharger uses, but driven by an auxiliary drive belt.

Most superchargers are "screw" types, and positive displacement like the one on the left.

The VR6 one at the top of the page is unusual in that it uses a turbocharger type centrifugal compressor instead.

The Supercharger has a few disadvantages over a turbocharger, in that it takes power to drive the compressor directly from the engine. This is then lost or wasted. A turbocharger on the other hand uses waste exhaust gasses to drive the compressor so is more efficient.

But the supercharger has advantages too! There is no lag! Boost is always available, no matter what. With a turbocharger you have to wait until the engine starts to produce enough exhaust gas to spin up the turbo to give you some boost.

For ultimate BHP, like a top fuel dragster with 5000bhp supercharging is the only option! They accelerate from zero to 300 MPH in 4 seconds. A turbo would still be winding up!

copyright :tuning.wanadoo.co.uk

9:21 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Audi R8. Top cars of 2008

Written By nyit on Friday, October 5, 2007 | 5:44 AM

Audi R8. Top cars of 2008Audi R8. Top cars of 2008Audi R8. The Audi R8 is top cars of 2008 a mid-engined sports car released by the German automaker Audi. But Audi stopped the production of the first version and substituted it with the 2007 model, using some of lamborghini features. First appearance of the car was in 2005, the first successor. Audi announced in 2005 that the name of the successful Audi R8 race car would be used for a new road car in 2007, the Audi R8, based on the Audi Le Mans Quattro concept car, which was based on the earlier Audi RSQ concept vehicle. The R8 was officially launched at the Paris Auto Show on 30 September 2006.
5:44 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Audi R8. Top cars of 2008

Audi R8. Top cars of 2008Audi R8. Top cars of 2008Audi R8. The Audi R8 is top cars of 2008 a mid-engined sports car released by the German automaker Audi. But Audi stopped the production of the first version and substituted it with the 2007 model, using some of lamborghini features. First appearance of the car was in 2005, the first successor. Audi announced in 2005 that the name of the successful Audi R8 race car would be used for a new road car in 2007, the Audi R8, based on the Audi Le Mans Quattro concept car, which was based on the earlier Audi RSQ concept vehicle. The R8 was officially launched at the Paris Auto Show on 30 September 2006.
5:44 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Nissan GT-R. Top cars of 2008

Nissan GT-RNissan GT-R one of top new cars of 2008. Next generation 2009 Nissan GT-R performance car, previewed as the GT-R PROTO concept car. At the official Nissan GTR web site, is coming to North America in 2008, previously known as the Skyline GT-R.

Nissan GT-RNissan, GT-R, gtr, gt-r proto, 2008, 2009, nissan gtr, sports car, performance car, high performance car, fastest car, skyline, skyline gtr, skyline car, new nissan skyline, nissan cars, car photos, car pictures, pictures of hot car, sports car picture, auto enthusiasts, car enthusiasts, nissan official web site.

4:48 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Nissan GT-R. Top cars of 2008

Nissan GT-RNissan GT-R one of top new cars of 2008. Next generation 2009 Nissan GT-R performance car, previewed as the GT-R PROTO concept car. At the official Nissan GTR web site, is coming to North America in 2008, previously known as the Skyline GT-R.

Nissan GT-RNissan, GT-R, gtr, gt-r proto, 2008, 2009, nissan gtr, sports car, performance car, high performance car, fastest car, skyline, skyline gtr, skyline car, new nissan skyline, nissan cars, car photos, car pictures, pictures of hot car, sports car picture, auto enthusiasts, car enthusiasts, nissan official web site.

4:48 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Toyota Celebrates 2,000,000th Certified Used Vehicle Sale

Written By nyit on Thursday, October 4, 2007 | 3:51 PM

Toyota USA is celebrating its two millionth Certified Used Vehicle (TCUV) sold in the U.S. since 1996, a 2004 Sienna MPV bought by Bellevue's Brian Kabat back in May 2007. The Japanese automaker will reimburse Kabat $36,648 for the total purchase price of the vehicle and donate a similar amount to Bellevue's Youth Eastside Services (YES) agency as well as contribute $5000 to Bellevue's Newport High School Band. Kabat’s award also includes a three year Toyota Care Car program from Toyota Financial Services, a Toyota Certified Platinum vehicle service agreement and a $500 American Express gas card from Toyota's Customer Service Division.

Source: Toyota

3:51 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Abt Presents Commemorative Sport Package For The VW T5 Mutlivan

Celebrating VW’s Bus 60th birthday, Abt presented the Sport Plus package for the new VW T5 Multivan which is considered a descendant of the Type 2 (or Bus as most know the Beetle based van) which was conceived in 1947. The Abt T5 Sport Plus package offers suspension and power upgrades for the 1.9 and the 2.5 TDI models (1.9 TDi 85Hp is enhanced to 110 hp, the 1.9 TDi 105 hp to 130 hp, the 2.5 TDi 130 hp to 160 hp and the 2.5 TDi 174 hp to 195 hp). The Sport Plus package also comes with a 4-pipe rear muffler and a complete body kit that contains front spoiler, front grille, fog lamp inserts, side skirts, rear skirt and rear wing. -Continued after the jump

Finally, the sport pack comes with Abt’s new BR 19-inch alloy wheels available in diamond or high gloss polish combined with 255/40 ZR19 rubber. The Abt T5 Sport Plus package will be available by Abt until December 31st, 2007.

2:56 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Nissan Recalling 372,250 MY 1997-2001 Pathfinder & Infiniti QX4 Models

Nissan USA has announced that it’s recalling 372,250 Pathfinder and Infiniti QX4 SUV’s from the 1997-2001 model years due to a potential risk of corrosion in the fuel filler tube assembly which could lead to a fire –though no reports of fires or injuries have been reported. The Japanese carmaker stated that, during the coating process of the tube, a sufficient coating may not have been applied at the lower mounting bracket resulting in an opening in the coating which can allow water to enter and make contact with the bare metal of the tube.

While in most states this won’t lead to the perforation of the tube, in the so-called “cold-weather” states, a mixture of snow/water and salt could cause corrosion on the bare metal part of the tube thus allowing fuel to leak.-Continued after the jump

So just to keep on the safe side, Nissan / Infiniti dealers will replace the fuel filler tube assembly with a new one on all Pathfinder & QX4 1997-2001 models originally sold in or currently registered in the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, Wisconsin and the District of Columbia. The recall is scheduled to begin on or about November 26, 2007.

1:49 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Video: How Long Would It Take You To Park Here?

Take a close look at the Audi A3 in the picture above. Ok, now that you have checked it out please tell us how long would it take an average driver to park it in the corner; 10, 20, 30 seconds? Yeah right; it took this guy more than 4 minutes and he didn’t even park it correctly for God’s sake! Watch the hilarious video right after the jump, it’ll make your day! -Continued

Via: Motorpasion

12:34 PM | 0 comments | Read More

2010 Saab 9-1 Rendering - Hybrid Version To Be Included

Saab will enhance its range in 2010 with the 9-1, a new entry-level model that will compete in the premium hatch segment against the BMW 1-Series and the Audi A3. Swedish car magazine “Teknikens Varld” hosted an interesting rendering of Saab’s forthcoming hatch that’s heavily inspired from the Aero-X concept. While we can’t say for sure that the 9-1 will actually look like the car pictured here, we think that the Swede’s rendering gives a pretty good idea of what to expect.

Available in 5door and 3door versions, the 9-1 will be built on GM’s updated Delta platform sharing many components with the next generation Opel / Saturn Astra. Apart from the usual turbocharged petrol and diesel engines, German newspaper “Automobilwoche” is reporting that the 9-1 will also receive a hybrid version equipped with the GM-Mercedes-BMW co-developed, twin-mode full hybrid system. -Continued after the jump

The later features two electronically controlled electric motors which act on a series of gears to create an infinitely variable drive system. The system fits within the space of a conventional automatic transmission and it’s combined with a battery pack that supplies power to the electric motors and also allows for full-electric propulsion. The hybrid system’s operating parameters include full engine stop at idle and full electric propulsion at launch. The electric motors are also used for deceleration, recuperating kinetic energy during braking and coasting thus charging the battery pack.

Rendering via: Teknikens Varld

11:35 AM | 0 comments | Read More

VW Touareg R50: V10 Diesel Powered Sport Version To Debut In Sydney

VW will further broaden its product line of “R” models which consist of the Golf R32 and Passat R36 with the presentation of the Touareg R50 at the Sydney International Auto Show on October 11, 2007. The German carmaker has yet to announce detailed specifications, but they did reveal that R50 will feature a revised version of the Touareg V10 TDi’s 5.0-liter V10 diesel engine that delivers in stock form, 313 Hp and a monstrous 750 Nm or 553.2-lbs/ft of maximum torque. Just to get an idea, the Touareg V10 TDi boasts a top speed of 231 km/h – 143 mph while it accelerates from standstill to 100 km/h (62 mph) in 7,4 sec. Engine apart, the R50 will also get chunkier wheels and rims, a tweaked suspension, a bodykit and sporty details in the interior. -Press release after the jump



In another world premiere for the Australian International Motor Show, Volkswagen has announced it will unveil its new Touareg R50 in Sydney next week (11 October).

Developed by a team of specialists at Volkswagen Individual GmbH, the Touareg R50 is one of the most powerful SUVs in the world.

While Volkswagen has yet to announce detailed specifications, it promises the R50 boasts "generous" increases on the 230kW of power and 750Nm of torque produced by the current V10 TDi model on which it is based. Bigger wheels and tyres and tweaked suspension complete the high-performance package.

Volkswagen Individual GmbH has also designed new exterior and interior features to reflect the R philosophy. The R50 is the third model to appear under Volkswagen's sporty R label, following in the footsteps of the Golf R32 and the new Passat R36 - which was launched last month at the Frankfurt motor show. All three models have 4MOTION all-wheel drive to guarantee optimal traction.

The Touareg R50's world premiere further boosts a new model launch list at the Sydney show that also features the Mitsubishi Lancer Evo X, Toyota LandCruiser 200 and Lotus Exige Sport 240. The Australian International Motor Show will also see the Asia-Pacific motor show premieres of the new-generation Audi A4, Ferrari 430 Scuderia, Peugeot 308 and new-generation Mazda6.

The new models will be unveiled on the opening day of the motor show, Thursday 11 October, beginning at 8am. The Australian International Motor Show runs until 21 October.

10:58 AM | 0 comments | Read More

UK: "West Ham" Soccer Team License Plate Could Break Arsenal’s Record

Arsenal might be leading both the Premier League Soccer race and the… the Premier League of personalised registrations as the beholder of the most expensive football personal registration auctioned to date in the UK, – “AR53 NAL” was sold for £36,000 or $73,330 / €51,870 in 2004, but West Ham United might very well take Arsenal’s unofficial title away. According to DLVA auctioneers, the licence plate reading “WE57 HAM” that will be auctioned by DVLA Personalised Registrations at Down Hall Hotel in Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire, from October 24 to 26, could very well go over £36,000. -Continued after the jump

Damian Lawson, Marketing Manager for DVLA Personalised Registrations, said: ‘We get huge amounts of interest whenever we release football related registration numbers for auction, but we are particularly excited by this one. We know what a large and passionate support there is for West Ham and because the number reads so well we think it stands a real chance of topping the table of football plates.’

Great Britain's Most Expensive Football Team Related License Plates:

  • AR53 NAL - £36,000
  • V1 LLA - £35,000
  • ALB 10N - £19,000
  • DER 8Y - £14,500
  • S41 NTS - £11,500
  • PRE 570N - £9,400
  • 1 WBA - £8,400
  • W1 GAN - £7,700
  • EVR 70N - £6,400
  • S9 URS - £4,600
  • CHE 153A - £4,300
  • BOL 70N - £4,000
  • FOR 35T - £3,100
9:45 AM | 0 comments | Read More

'08 Subaru Impreza WRX STi Teaser Image Part 3

Subaru has released the third teaser pic of the forthcoming 2008 Impreza WRX STi but as with the previous set of photos (click here and here), the Japanese folks overlaid the image with a black filter. We tried our best to improve the brightness and contrast of the teaser pic via our beloved photoshop and while it’s not perfect, it gives an idea of what to expect. Follow the jump to see both images. -Continued

9:26 AM | 0 comments | Read More

100,000th Kia Cee’d Kia Rolls Off Slovakian Production Line

Kia just saw its 100,000th Cee’d (80,000 5doors & 20,000 SWs) roll off its European production-line in Zilina, Slovakia. The cherry-red Cee’d is destined for a customer in Denmark. Kia’s €1 billion ($1.4 billion) European factory has been open for less than a year and according to Korean officials, it can generate an ultimate capacity of 300,000 units annually. The plant produces one car every minute which is equivalent to 100 cars per employee per year. For the time being, the Zilina plant occupies 2,400 employees in two shifts producing three Kia models – Cee’d five-door hatchback, Ccee’d Sporty Wagon and Sportage SUV. At the end of October Kia will begin production of a fourth model, the Kia pro_cee’d three-door (click here). -Pics after the jump

9:09 AM | 0 comments | Read More

2008 Citroen Nemo LCV - The Search Is Over...

Citroen unveiled the Fiat Fiorino LCV’s (click here) twin brother that is set to go on sale in Europe during the first half of 2008. We don’t know if the French did this on purpose but they do point out that the Nemo is set to make a real splash in the compact van sector -Marlin and Dory (Finding Nemo characters) might disagree but that’s another story… Measuring in at just 3.86m (152-inches), the Nemo features an internal load volume of 2.5cu.m and a payload of 610kg -1,344 lbs. The Nemo will make its public debut at the Amsterdam Motor Show (25 October) and it will be launched with a choice of a 75hp 1.4i petrol engine or a 70hp 1.4HDi diesel engine. -Press release and pictures after the jump



Today (4 October 2007) Citroën announces an important new addition to its light commercial vehicle range - the new Citroën Nemo. Set to make its public debut at the Amsterdam Motor Show (25 October), Citroën’s new, entry level compact van brings innovative solutions to a wide range of business transport applications, and will go on sale in the UK during the second quarter of 2008.

Robert Handyside, Citroën’s commercial vehicles operations manager, comments, “The new Citroën Nemo is set to make a real splash in the ultra-competitive UK lcv sector. It neatly complements our existing UK light commercial vehicle range, expanding it to a five model line-up: C2 Enterprise, Nemo, Berlingo, Dispatch and Relay. As such the Nemo will enable the company to provide a seamless range of lcvs from 0.84cu.m through to a massive 17cu.m load carrying capacity. No other manufacturer in the UK will be able to offer such a comprehensive choice.”

The Citroën Nemo has been introduced to fulfil a wide range of business transport needs. It is primarily designed for use in urban environments where its compact size, ease of manoeuvrability and low emissions (119g/km CO2 for the 1.4HDi model) characteristics will be of major benefit.

To suit its urban role the new Nemo is just 3.86m long but has a large internal load volume of 2.5cu.m and a strong payload of 610kg. The Nemo is launched with a choice of a 75hp 1.4i petrol engine or Citroën’s ultra-economical 70hp 1.4HDi diesel engine (63mpg/4.5 l/100 km on the combined cycle).

A Citroën five-speed automated manual transmission will also be optionally available for Nemo vans powered by the 1.4HDi engine. This option combines the benefits of automatic transmission with the fuel efficiency of a manual vehicle, making it ideal for around-town use.

Other Nemo features include the availability of single or twin sliding, side-load doors as well as twin rear doors that can be easily opened to 180o. In addition, the Nemo introduces an Extenso modular passenger seat and a versatile modular bulkhead system, which provide the vehicle with a wide range of passenger and load carrying configurations.

The Extenso passenger seat allows the seatback to fold horizontally onto the seat cushion, or the entire seat to be stored under the floor, adding almost one metre to the load length. With the Extenso seat folded and stored under the floor the available load length is increased to almost 2.50m and the load volume expanded to nearly 2.8cu.m.

The modular mesh bulkhead between the Nemo’s cab and the load bay provides full width/height protection. If long loads are to be carried, the bulkhead section behind the folded Extenso passenger seat can be swung in towards the driver to provide complete protection from the load behind and alongside.

Nemo’s looks are more than skin deep - its cheeky external appearance belying a detailed and practical design approach. Its stylish front end incorporates headlamps positioned high-up to avoid minor knocks and a large wraparound bumper for effective protection. The wide, high windscreen provides the driver with maximum visibility and provides a light and airy working environment.

On its sides Nemo has broad mouldings to provide protection against minor knocks, while at the rear a large door aperture and low floor height makes loading/unloading easy. The high set rear lights are also well protected from accidental damage.

Other useful features of the new Citroën Nemo include:-
- a conveniently-located, high-mounted gear lever, close to the steering wheel
- a range of stowage compartments
- a multi-adjustable driving position
- a high-quality audio system with four loudspeakers
- pre-equipment for a Bluetooth® telephone.

The new Citroën Nemo will offer an impressive range of safety and security equipment, will have a very competitive sales price and will provide the cost-saving benefits of long service intervals, innovative design and robust construction. Price and specification details of Citroën Nemo vans for the UK market will be announced in 2008.

8:19 AM | 0 comments | Read More

Video: Audi TT Dropped Into Pool For A Magazine Cover Shoot!

Written By nyit on Tuesday, October 2, 2007 | 11:20 PM

Once upon a time, magazines used Photoshop to create stunning magazine covers. Well actually they still do, but not all of them. Intersection mag, sunk an Audi TT 3.2 V6 into a pool along with a female model for the needs of a photo shoot. And while they were at it, they filmed the whole process in order to create a little buzz about themselves in the net. Check out the cover after the jump and tell us that this couldn’t be done with photoshop… -Continued

Via: Autoblog.nl

11:20 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Carscoop’s Gal Tries Out the 2008 Cadillac CTS 3.6 V6

The 2008 Cadillac CTS with the new 263 Hp 3.6-liter V6 engine was one of the rides I got to check out while at the GM event this past week. It was, by far, my favorite pick from GM’s 2008 Collection. Fun and sporty, it’s a nasty car to kick around in.

In terms of driving, a car like this will make a trip to the local 7-11 a total blast. It handled well on the curves, the acceleration was intense and I had an over all sense of safety even at the higher speeds. I was so impressed with the driving that it distracted me from everything else. And by everything else, I refer to the lack of sexy edge that would make it competitive with the BMW 5 series which it’s actually intended to do –I know many might disagree, but where is the fun in everyone agreeing? -Continued after the jump

We talked to the Cadillac’s Communication Manager, David Caldwell who set some things straight and let us in on some interesting info. Among other efforts to appeal to the BMW and Mercedes drivers of America, Cadillac created the CTS to compete with the 5 series at a 3 series price. (Many refer to it as a 4, how witty).

For driving quality, it may do just that. In terms of design, Cadillac needs to step up to the plate. I questioned the shiny lining all over the interior of the car. Couldn’t they have done a more matte finish like in many of the European cars I’ve seen? Mr.Caldwell assured me that people actually buy the car for small details like this. “People want to know they are in a Cadillac and the “bling-bling” of the CTS is what people love,” he said. But, the cheesy blingyness of the Cadillac is probably why sales have skipped an entire generation of people in their 30’s and 40’s. Maybe we’d see more Cadillacs around if they toned back on the blings a bit.

Mr.Caldwell also informed us that there’s discussion for Cadillac to design a version of the CTS that’s comparable in size with the BMW 3 series. Hopefully, they’ll work on a sleeker design in the future. It may provide a bridge for the generation gap Cadillac is experiencing and maybe even allow it steal away some BMW fans.

Overall, the CTS provided me with a respectable and fun ride and a blinding shine from all the chrome.

Posted by Daniella

3:27 PM | 0 comments | Read More

Lexus IS-F Neiman Marcus - Limited Edition Version

Last time we checked our calendar, it was October but that didn’t deter Lexus from creating a special version of its 400Hp V8 powered IS-F sport sedan for the Neiman Marcus 2007 Christmas catalog of “fantasy gifts”. So, if there’s anyone out there that believes I’ve been a good kid this year, here’s your chance to make me happy for the whole of 2008. It’ll only cost you $68,000 to get me one of the 50 special edition IS-Fs. Plus, even if my neighbor gets an IS-F, my Neiman Marcus will stand out thanks to these exclusive goodies: black with white accent stitching in the cabin; steering wheel with white leather accents; front headrests embossed with an F logo; hand-polished finish on the wheels and a sequentially numbered Special Build badge. You know I earned this... -Press release after the jump

Lexus creates the Neiman Marcus IS F Special Build Sedan for Neiman Marcus' 2007 Christmas Book

Torrance CA - October 2, 2007 - The holidays are right around the corner and what better way to ring them in than with the ultimate holiday gift? The Neiman Marcus 2008 Lexus IS F Special Build Sedan debuts as this year's fantasy car in the renowned Neiman Marcus Christmas Book, the upscale retailer's wish book featuring the most luxurious gifts for the holidays.

The IS F is the fastest production car Lexus has ever built...so fast that the Neiman Marcus Special Build Sedan includes a personalized half-day of pro-driver training compliments of the Skip Barber Racing School. Owners will have the chance to take the high-performance vehicle to the limit¾learning real racing skills and experiencing what the IS F can do on and off the road.

Delivering more than 400 horsepower from its 5.0-liter V8, the IS F can go from 0 to 60 in under 4.9 seconds. It has the world's first eight-speed Sport Direct Shift gearbox and a specially engineered Vehicle Dynamics Integrated Management (VDIM) system featuring a high-performance sport mode. If the heart-pounding power and speed aren't enough, the Mark Levinson® state-of-the-art CD/DVD Premium Surround Sound Audio System with navigation and Bluetooth® technology will surely get the blood pumping.

Only 50 Neiman Marcus IS F special build sedans will be made. These limited edition vehicles will be among the very first IS Fs off the line and have an exclusive interior design of high-style black with white accent stitching. Each will feature a unique steering wheel with white leather accents, front headrests embossed with an F logo, hand-polished finish on the wheels and a sequentially numbered Special Build badge.

To place orders, customers may call toll free 1.888.747.4504, beginning at noon EDT on Oct. 18, 2007. This Neiman Marcus edition is offered exclusively in the Christmas Book and is priced at $68,000

About the Neiman Marcus Christmas Book

For millions, the annual launch of the Christmas Book has become the official start of the holiday season. First published in 1926 as a 16-page booklet, the Neiman Marcus Christmas Book was initially intended as a Christmas card to the store's best customers. Building on tradition through the years, the book has maintained its personal touch while evolving into a legendary source for alluring and mystical gifts.

3:15 PM | 0 comments | Read More


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